Thu 11 Aug 2022

Spruce up your packaging with QR codes

Although we hate to mention it, during the *whispered tones* pandemic… QR codes dominated the restaurant scene, allowing customers to order without holding menus, and limiting the spread of germs.

Have you ever wondered why they are featured on packaging, posters, or even events? The truth is that QR codes offer several different uses, connecting the physical sides of your business to the digital.

Adding a QR code to your packaging or product adds extra value and takes your consumers on a media-rich journey, influencing them to buy or interact more with your brand. In a world where 90% of adults have smartphones, brands should be taking advantage of that.

How can I use QR codes?

  • YouTube advertisement/video

Why spend so much money creating video content and limit the number of people who can see it? QR codes can be generated for free and once scanned take your consumer to your latest YouTube video or advertisement.

  • Website or blog landing page

Another use of a QR code is to transport your consumer to your website or another landing page. This can provide brand information or simply just show your online presence.

  • Recycling

By including a QR code on your packaging, you can create an interactive experience for your customers to learn more about recycling their products and packaging, involving them in the process and making them feel inspired by your brand values.

  • Instruction PDF

You can save money on printing costs by providing a digital instruction PDF which is accessed through a QR code, although for those without smartphones this could be an issue.

  • Data collection

You could use your QR code to find out information about your customer via survey to learn about how they interact with your product and your brand.

  • Social media

QR codes can link to your social media accounts, influencing your consumers to follow and share content accordingly.

  • E-commerce store

At the end of the day, you are promoting a business, so using a QR code to simply make sure you get an extra opportunity to sell is worthwhile.

QR codes and packaging are a perfect combination, bringing down the walls of physical and digital worlds. By connecting the two it opens more experiences for the customer.

How to make sure your QR code is usable:

Scan the QR code with your smartphone’s camera or a reader app to see if it is working properly. If your QR code is scannable, the camera or app will prompt you to open the link or view the landing page.

It is vital to test your QR code both before and after printing, as well as at the size it will be printed at: the last thing you want is disappointed customers, especially after spending time and money creating content!

To find out more about QR codes and packaging solutions, email

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